About the Supernova festival
The organizer is Tribe of Nova (Facebook page here), which describes itself as , titled this event as the “Supernova Sukkot,“ as it occurred at the end of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Tribe of Nova described the festival as follows:
Dear Tribe of Nova,
We are thrilled and filled with pride and excitement to announce a truly exceptional and unprecedented event that will take place for the very first time in Israel…
The legendary Universo Paralello festival is set to land in our small but vibrant land! […]
[T]he central driving force behind it is a set of fundamental and important human values:
- Free love and spirit
- Environmental preservation
- Appreciation of rare natural values that the festival embodies”
The BBC quoted the organizers as saying the festival would be “a journey of unity and love” with “mind-blowing and breathtaking content.” The NY Times described it as “a festival of peace and love.”
A briefer on Hamas, and its motivating objectives
Hamas is a totalitarian Muslim supremacist (Islamist) terrorist group, whose primary objective is to destroying Israel, by any means necessary, as part of a global war (jihad) against non-Muslims, to conquer the entire world and impose strict Islamic law (shariah). This means all non-Muslims will (a) be forced to convert to Islam, (b) forced to accept life in second-class, slave status (dhimmitude), or (c) be killed. on everyone, everywhere. It is one of more than a dozen Islamist terrorist groups backed by the world’s largest state sponsor of terror, Iran, all sworn to Israel’s destruction.
- The Hamas Charter, written in 1988
- HAMAS profile, The Investigative Project on Terrorism
- What You Need to Know About the Iran-backed Terror Group Hamas and its Attack on Israel, American Jewish Committee, October 15, 2023
- Iran and its Network of Nineteen Terrorist Organizations on Israel’s Borders, Foundation for Defense of Democracies
- The Muslim Brotherhood – The Investigative Project on Terrorism
December 2022 video: Hamas leader says its objective is to conquer Israel, as a first step towards conquering the world for Islam
Details here.
And a 2014 interview with the son of Hamas’s leader & co-founder, describing the terrorist group’s inner workings and guiding objectives:
Accounts of the attack on the Supernova festival
From NDTV World (emphasis added):
“Thousands of young people attended the Nature Party, which became one of the first targets of Palestinian gunmen who breached Gaza’s border fence early on Saturday under cover of massive rocket barrages from Gaza.
Hamas operatives initiated gunfire towards approximately 3,500 young Israelis who had gathered for a festive night of electronic music in celebration of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Some attendees were under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which heightened their confusion and fear.
While rockets were raining down, festival attendees reported that militants descended upon the festival location, with others strategically positioned near bomb shelters, targeting those seeking safety. Many of these militants, arriving in vehicles and on motorcycles, were equipped with body armor and were armed with AK-47 assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades.
From the New York Times:
A fitness instructor, aged 26 [said] she was drawn to trance music festivals as a means, she said, “to disconnect your mind from all the tension in Israel.”
They were rounded up and shot like animals within hours of losing themselves, and the pressures of Israeli life, in thumping soundtracks of mystical peace and love. “There were these crazy maniacs with guns and people falling one by one,” Ms. Fakliro said. “It was like a shooting range.”
Initially, she froze. The music stopped; the cancellation of the festival was announced. She lay down between refrigerators at the bar. Carefree dancers in galaxy leggings, even a reveler looping rhythmically on a Segway, turned in an instant to a terrified, stunned human mass. All of the psychedelics and other drugs used at trance parties redoubled panic attacks and the accompanying screams.
“Just run,” her colleague said. “JUST RUN!” […]
Mr. Parpara did not attend the party, having decided the $100 price tag was too high. But his closest friend, Noa Argamani, did, and was pictured in a video crying out in anguish as she was kidnapped on a motorcycle, with her boyfriend, Avinatan Or, being dragged and manhandled behind her, his hands bound behind his back.
Video of Shani Louk body being beaten by Palestinian civilians
The chilling footage showing Palestinian onlookers celebrating the inhumane treatment of Shani Louk by #Hamas militants is deeply disturbing. It starkly contrasts the situation in Iran, where the populace stands distinctly opposed to their regime's brutality. This incident in… pic.twitter.com/HnnPPwp9Cv
— Decado (@ItsDecado) November 4, 2023
News accounts of the attack on the Supernova festival
Slaughter at a Festival of Peace and Love Leaves Israel Transformed, The New York Times, October 15, 2023.
VIDEO: How Hamas Turned an Israeli Music Festival Into a Massacre, The Wall St. Journal, October 11, 2023.
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Hamas, Gaza, Supernova music festival : What Is The Supernova Festival That Was Attacked By Hamas?, NDTV World, October 10, 2023. Excerpt:
According to The Guardian, the Supernova music festival, billed as “a journey of unity and love” with “mind-blowing and breathtaking content”, began at around 10 pm on Friday, just hours after the end of Israel’s week-long Sukkot religious festival.
Hundreds killed in attack on music festival in Israel, Music Week, October 9, 2023.
Bodies Paraded Through Gaza Streets, Hamas Militants Flying Paragliders: Videos Show Horrors of Surprise Attack on Israel, The Messenger, October 9, 2023.
Shocking moment Israeli student, 25, is kidnapped from desert rave by Hamas militants and separated from her still-missing boyfriend – as her family share footage of her being held in Gaza amid invasion that left the Middle East on the brink of all-out war, Daily Mail Online, October 7, 2023.
Hamas’s underlying motivations, as the root of its attack on the festival
From the New York Times:
Hamas inculcat[es] hatred through the education system [in Gaza]. It never disavowed its covenant that urges the slaughter of Jews “smitten with vileness wherever they are found” and the obliteration of the state of Israel.
WATCH: U2 concert tribute to Israel music festival victims, 13newsnow.com (Norfolk, VA), October 9, 2023. Excerpt:
During Sunday’s concert at The Sphere in Las Vegas, U2 updated the lyrics of one of their classic songs to pay tribute to the hundreds of people killed at a music festival in Israel during an attack by Hamas gunmen.
“In the light of what’s happened in Israel and Gaza, a song about non-violence seems somewhat ridiculous, even laughable, but our prayers have always been for peace and for non-violence…” Bono said while introducing the song “Pride (In the Name of Love).”
“But our hearts and our anger, you know where that’s pointed. So sing with us… and those beautiful kids at that music festival…”
The song, originally released in 1984, was written by the rock band as a tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.
“Sing for our brothers and sisters — who they themselves were singing at the Supernova Sukkot festival in Israel,” Bono said, according to recordings posted on social media. “We sing for those. Our people, our kind of people, music people. Playful, experimental people. Our kind of people. We sing for them.”
“Early morning, Oct. 7, as the sun is rising in the desert sky,” he sang as part of the updated lyrics. “Stars of David, they took your life but they could not take your pride.”
He then repeated the “could not take your pride” line three times before leading U2 into the “Name of Love” chorus.
Media complicity: Freestyle incitement, and/or parroting Hamas talking points
From the New York Times:
[J]ust over the Gaza fence [from the Supernova festival], about two million Palestinians lived in a seething enclave blockaded by Israel, a desperate place that incubated extremism in what is often referred to as “an open-air prison.”
Ed: Israel erected its security barrier and quarantine around Gaza in 2007, after Hamas seized power, and began perpetrating hundreds of lower-level attacks on Israeli Jews, using everything from rockets to handguns, car-ramming attacks and stabbing incidents. Hamas obtains most of its weapons, ammunition and the materials with which to build bunkers and terror-tunnels from Iran, which is also sworn to Israel’s destruction.
So when the New York Times describes Gaza as “a seething enclave blockaded by Israel, a desperate place that incubated extremism in what is often referred to as “an open-air prison,” it is in effect parroting Hamas’s exact justification for perpetrating the attack on this music festival — as well as every other attack. It implicitly depicts Hamas as the violent fringe of a horrifically oppressed people, the victims of grave injustice — which, like the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, felt compelled to resort to extreme methods to liberate themselves.
Others whitewashing or legitimizing the Hamas narrative, or denying vital facts in order to depict Palestinians as the victims
From the New York Times:
Mr. Morag’s initial reaction was: “Just eliminate them, eradicate them all, Hamas has to be destroyed. Israelis cannot stay in a place where the Palestinians next door are led by a group using the money they get to spread terror.”
But this has given way after a week to a more nuanced reflection.
“I am aware that in Gaza people are living a life with no hope,” he said. “To do such things, you have to get to a place where you don’t value your life anymore, where you are ready to die. These are monstrous acts that come from hatred and despair and brainwashing, but I would like to separate Hamas, an inhuman organization, from the Palestinian people.”
Ed.: Perhaps Mr. Morag is unaware of the following facts:
As repeated surveys show, a solid majority of Palestinians in Gaza and “The West Bank” (the ancestral Jewish cities of Judea & Samaria): (a) have no intent to live peacefully beside a Jewish nation, and (b) support violence to destroy Israel, by any means necessary. For example:
(1) A March 2023 survey of residents in Gaza and the West Bank by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research showed:
- 71% say they support a Palestinian terrorist who recently murdered two Jewish civilians (which was followed by retaliatory attacks by Jews in the area where the victims lived, which is a very rare occurrence), while 21% expressed opposition to the attack, and similar armed attacks
- 75% expressed opposition to equal rights in one state for Muslims and Jews (as Muslims enjoy in Israel)
- 58% supported return to armed confrontations and intifada (meaning, all-out war against Israeli Jews)
- 71% oppose the concept of the two-state solution; 27% support
(2) These results mirror a 2015 survey, that showed 60% of Palestinians support the continuation of a wave of terrorist attacks that were being perpetrated against Israeli Jews
These facts should also be taken in the context of the grander objective of Hamas leadership, which has been indoctrinating Gaza’s children since 2007, as articulated after by one of the terror group’s top leaders the Supernova festival attack. Specifically, he said, Hamas’s terrorism against Israeli Jews is but the opening of its intent to enslave the entire world, and force all humans to either convert to Islam, accept an existence that is subservient to Muslims, or be killed. “The entire planet will be under our law, there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors,” he said.
It must be assumed that some, perhaps a strong minority of Palestinians want peace, are not anti-Semitic, and do not support efforts to destroy Israel. But even that glimmer of hope must be considered in the context of the fact that according to ADL research, Muslims are the most anti-Semitic people in the world — and the religious doctrine of “taquiya,” which authorizes Muslims to lie, in order to conceal the advance violent jihads.
10/11 VIDEO: IDF interrogation of a Hamas terrorist, who admits they raped Jewish females at the Supernova festival, then beheaded them
‘This Is The Most Difficult Image We’ve Ever Posted,’ The State of Israel, I24NEWS, October 13, 2023.
This Tweet was posted by the State of Israel’s official Twitter account:
10/9 VIDEO: Hamas killing dogs at kibbutz, that were protecting Jews in their homes

10/9 VIDEO: “Hamas terrorists massacred hundreds of young Israelis at a rave. Listen to a survivor of the massacre.”
10/8 VIDEO: “Warning: these scenes are highly disturbing. But it is important the world sees this preview of what they mean by a “Free #Palestine”. And if you support this, you support depraved evil. Please share widely.”
VIDEO: “Hamas terrorists going door to door hunting for Jews, just as ruthlessly as the Nazis did less than 100 years ago. The same people who cheered them back then are cheering them on today.”
10/7 VIDEO: “If you really want to know what happened in Israel, watch this: the most painful video I’ve seen yet. Terrified Israeli family being held hostage by Hamas terrorists after they killed one of the sisters of the little girl.”

10/7 VIDEO: “My heart aches! Kids in Gaza Harass and bully and terrorize a Jewish child that was kidnapped by the terrorist organization Hamas. My God help them from those filthy animals”:
10/7 VIDEO: Noa (last name) as she was kidnapped from festival by Hamas: (click to play)

10/7 VIDEO: “Sickening scenes from Israel where Palestinian terrorists dragged Israeli civilians out of their cars and murdered them. This occurred all over Israel’s south”:

The Day the Delusions Died, Konstantin Kisin, The Free Press, October 22, 2023. Excerpt:
Prior to the October 7 massacre, many students, alumni, and donors with the “unconstrained vision” trusted that the university—for all its many problems—remained the West’s best environment for civil discourse.
But then they watched university presidents who were quick to issue statements condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the killing of George Floyd fall silent, or offer the most slippery, equivocal statements carefully crafted to avoid offending anti-Israel groups. They watched an Israeli at Columbia get beaten with a stick, and heard reports about the physical intimidation of students on campuses across the country. They read about dozens of student organizations at Harvard signing a letter holding Israel “entirely responsible” for the massacre of Israelis.