Page title: Sxxx Wxxxx: [TBD; possibly The Myth vs. The Reality]
URL will be:, as shown at bottom of graphic
On December x, 2019, the AIFD published this graphic, in which we made certain specific allegations about Sxxx Wxxx, and openly challenged journalists to stop ignoring his hate and subversion of America’s legal system.
(1) How Wxxxx and his supporters depict him
(2) The reality behind the myths
(3) Wxxxx’s 2019 speaking tour across America
(4) Why does the “news” media either ignore Wxxxx, instead of exposing him and his enablers?
(5) What you can do to help the AIFD expose Wxxxx
(6) Additional reading
(1) How Wxxxx and his supporters depict him
(2) The reality behind the myths
(2.1) He is a Muslim supremacist (Islamist)
(2.2) He hates America
(2.3) He hates the LGBT community
(2.4) Strong indications that his hate also influenced his son’s anti-American terrorism
(2.1) He is a Muslim supremacist (Islamist)
(2.2) He hates America
(2.3) He hates the LGBT community
(2.4) Strong indications that his hate also influenced his son’s anti-American terrorism
(3) Wxxxx’s 2019 speaking tour across America
(4) Why does the “news” media either ignore Wxxxx, instead of exposing him and his enablers?
(5) What you can do to help the AIFD expose Wxxxx
(6) Additional reading
[Crash course links into Islamism, from you and others; CAIR, AMP, SJP, MB, etc.; preface with this being a list of orgs that are notorious for affiliating within, and other domestic Islamists]