Videos about America’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the aftermath

I prepared this page to complement the “Afghan Ally Rescue Campaign,” a crowdfunding effort I designed and developed, that the Kenneth & Nira Abramowitz Foundation agreed to sponsor.

Part of my work involved writing, designing and producing the following 3-minute overview. My objective in producing this video was two-fold:

  • To use the first 90 seconds to give Americans a crash course in these essential facts about President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, yet which are all but unreported by the US MSM
  • To use the second 90 seconds to present our campaign to raise the money to help rescue the families of two US allies who were abandoned in Afghanistan

In the course of my research to find the news clips I used in this video, I found dozens of others that I think many Americans would be interested in seeing, that further describes the situation in Afghanistan, which was was unleashed by the sequence of decisions that enabled the Taliban to drag its 40 million people back to 7th century slavery.

The purpose of this page is to present some of these videos, in the hopes of advancing our cultural discourse about the situation in Afghanistan, before and after America’s disastrous withdrawal in August 2021.

(1) August 15, 2021: Taliban enters presidential palace in Kabul

(2) August 25, 2021: Former CIA officer: Afghanistan intelligence failure a ‘national nightmare’

(3) August 27, 2021: Retired Navy SEAL delivers the statement that Biden should deliver, to Americans and the Taliban, about our withdrawal

(4) September 5, 2021: Taliban retaliation against Afghan citizens

(5) December 6, 2021: Taliban accused of summary executions of Afghan ex-security officers

(6) Videos of Taliban punishing Afghans for morality crimes

(1) August 15, 2021: Taliban enters presidential palace in Kabul

(2) August 25, 2021: Former CIA officer: Afghanistan intelligence failure a “national nightmare”

Learn about former CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright at his website, and follow him on Twitter.

(3) August 27, 2021: Retired Navy SEAL delivers the statement that Biden should deliver, to Americans and the Taliban, about our withdrawal

Jocko Willink has been called “The scariest Navy SEAL imaginable.” After 20 years as a SEAL, Jocko now runs Echelon Front, a motivational speaking and management consulting firm. On August 27, 2021, as he witnessed the failure of America’s political leadership to conduct a responsible and safe evacuation from Afghanistan, Jocko reached his limit, and recorded this video, in which he describes, in less than 4 minutes, the speech President Biden should deliver, to America, and the Taliban.

“If Jocko Was President,” August 27, 2021.

(4) September 5, 2021: Taliban retaliation against Afghan citizens

Are the Taliban retaliating against Afghan citizens? – DW News (Germany), September 5, 2021

(5) December 6, 2021: Taliban accused of summary executions of Afghan ex-security officers

Exactly three months later, on December 6, 2021, the Taliban had been exposed for doing exactly what they promised Afghans, and the world, they would not: conducting mass executions of anyone who worked with American or Coalition forces, including the elected Afghan government.

Taliban accused of summary executions of ex-security officers – DW News (Germany), December 6, 2021

(6) Videos of Taliban punishing Afghans for morality crimes




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