Originally posted on October 19, 2015 at the website I edited at the time, SaveTheWest.com, here
By Jon Sutz
Update: Listen to a radio interview I participated in regarding this report here.

From the Huffington Post, September 14, 2015 (story here). HuffPo is the world’s most-read online newspaper, and has consistently presented refugees in this fashion; detail here.
There is no question that thousands of peaceful civilians are genuine victims of the nightmare occurring in Syria and Iraq, being caused by Islamist terror gangs, and they are simply seeking to escape.
For much of the past year, the American news media has been showing us pictures like this one, as being representative of the refugees fleeing the conflicts in those Muslim-dominated nations. We’ve been repeatedly told that we have a moral obligation to invite these refugees to resettle in America, either temporarily or permanently, and even pay to transport them here, then set them up with housing, benefits, etc.
America has long been the most charitable nation on Earth. Throughout our history, we have been more welcoming than any other nation to refugees of violent conflicts and natural disasters. And since the creation of the United Nations, America has been its largest donor (for context, even though we’re only 6% of the world’s population, we donate about one-fourth of the UN’s annual budget).
Regarding refugees whom we are told we must help – or even bring here to live with us – our generosity has been based on several key assumptions:
- That those being presented to us as “refugees” are, in fact, actual refugees from a specific crisis.
- That we are being provided with accurate, timely and contextual information about these refugees, and the crisis from which they seek to escape.
- That the refugees mean us no harm, and will observe our laws and customs while on our soil, and receiving our aid.
Unfortunately, most Americans are unaware of crucially-important facts concerning the refugee crisis, that may pose a direct threat to our national security, and their personal well-being. The primary reason for our unawareness in this regard is the fact that many of the most powerful organizations that have claimed the responsibility for keeping us informed about the refugee crisis, fail (or refuse) to do so.
The purpose of this special report is to present (and validate) ten of the vital facts that all Americans must know, so that we can intelligently assess the policies that are being (a) formulated in our names, and (b) implemented with money taken out of our wallets:
(1) The vast majority of refugees are neither women nor children; rather, they are lone adult males.
(2) Only 26% of these “refugees” are from Syria or Iraq; 74% are from other Muslim countries, some of which are notorious for Islamist terrorism.
(3) ISIS has openly boasted that it has been smuggling thousands of jihadists into North America and Western Europe.
(4) An estimated 40 million+ Muslims in “refugee” countries support ISIS.
(5) A British journalist recently demonstrated how easy it is for a non-Syrian to buy a Syrian passport, so one can falsely pass oneself off as a “refugee.”
(6) The FBI and DHS have openly admitted that they cannot determine which refugees have peaceful intentions, and which seek to engage in or support Islamist terrorism.
(7) Most of the super-wealthy Muslim nations in the region have refused to take in any of these refugees.
(8) Most Muslims now on American soil reject the U.S. Constitution; 25% support the use of violence against Americans “as part of the global jihad.”
(9) U.S. taxpayers’ money is being used to provide refugees with free furnished apartments, health care, education, and cash.
(10) European nations that have welcomed refugees from the Middle East and North Africa have experienced dramatic increases in violent crime, especially rape – nearly all of which is perpetrated by them.
At the conclusion is a bibliography of all the major information resources cited in this report.

Since starting to allow mass migration from the Middle East, Sweden went from being one of the safest European nations, to “the rape capital of the West.”
(1) The vast majority of refugees are neither women nor children; rather, they are lone adult males
Contrary to the image that has been consistently presented to us, that these refugees are mostly women and children, the reality is the exact opposite. According to a recent report* by the UN Human Rights Commission, the breakdown of refugees is:
- 72% men
- 13% women
- 15% children
(*Note: An alert reader, Bob, pointed out that the data at that UN link now shows that 65% of refugees are men – not 72%, as I alleged. The 72% figure was on the UN website, at that link, as shown by the dozens of news and blog articles around the world that cited it. I originally found the article on Sept. 30, 2015 at the Washington Examiner, and confirmed it via the UN site, which is why I included it here. – J)
In fact, as documented in an expansive report by the Daily Mail (UK), many of these women claim they’ve been abandoned by their male protectors – an act that is considered forbidden in Muslim cultures. And as shown in the video below, they are furious about it:
“We have a crisis here. So if they [the men] go, who will free us? Who will protect us? We are their honor…[B]y Allah, it is wrong! Isn’t this wrong? … We [women] are bearing everything not to leave our country… it’s harder than going to European countries, its hard.”
Recognizing this reality, a British charity recently stopped providing financial assistance to a French refugee agency, alleging “97% are men with no real reason to be there.”
(2) Only 26% of these “refugees” are from Syria or Iraq; 74% are from other Muslim countries, some of which are notorious for Islamist terrorism
The words “refugee” and “Syria” have become almost inextricably linked in our modern political discussions, a phenomenon that is being driven and reinforced on a daily basis by those who have assumed the responsibility for informing Americans of the essential facts about this crisis.
As in the case of the gender breakdown, however, the reality is very different, and far more dangerous. Specifically, only 20% of refugees are actually from Syria; and only 6% are from Iraq – the two nations that ISIS is terrorizing (and, as we’ll learn in a moment, the nations from which it is exporting its jihadists to Western nations).
According to a September 30, 2015 article in the Washington Examiner (emphasis added):
The refugee wave sweeping over the European Union has nearly reached last year’s total of 662,000, but despite reports that many are families from Syria just 20 percent are from that war-torn nation and most are younger men.
Eurostat, the EU’s statistical agency, said that by August, 600,000 had arrived at the union’s border seeking asylum, but just 121,500 were from Syria. The rest came from a collection of other countries including Kosovo, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The Pew Research Center reviewed the Eurostat data and found that Germany is the overwhelming choice of those fleeing home nations, with 40 percent applying for asylum in Germany.
(3) ISIS has openly boasted that it has been smuggling thousands of jihadists into North America and Western Europe.
In the past year there have been dozens of ISIS-affiliated terror attacks and disrupted plots in Europe and North America. ISIS has demonstrated its statements and boasts are not to be taken lightly; it has followed through on all its threats to murder captives, often in the most stomach-churning ways.
Some recent articles that contain ISIS’s boasts:
‘We are back in America’: ISIS releases chilling new video on 9/11 anniversary where extremists threaten fresh attacks on the US, by Julian Robinson, MailOnline (UK), September 14, 2015.
‘Just wait…’ Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of extremists into Europe, by Aaron Brown, The UK Express (England), September 10, 2015.
Purported ISIS warning claims terror cells in place in 15 states, by FoxNews.com, May 06, 2015.
Europe faces ‘greatest terror threat ever’ from jihadists in Iraq and Syria, by Paul Cruickshank and Tim Lister, CNN, June 19, 2014.
How many ISIS terrorists and supporters are now on U.S. soil – and how many are in transit here, attempting to pass themselves off as peaceful “refugees”?
We have no idea – and as noted in (6), even our FBI and DHS admit they have no way to tell who is who. Here, however, is what these top law enforcement agencies are saying, on the record, about incidents that one can reasonably presume are somehow related to ISIS:
FBI Director: Islamic State Recruiting ’24 Hours a Day’ in All 50 States, by BreitbartNews.com, October 14, 2015.
ISIS is attacking the U.S. energy grid (and failing), by Jose Pagliery, CNN, October 15, 2015. (Ed. While CNN mocks ISIS’s failed attempts thus far to take down the U.S. energy grid, Americans should keep in mind that the terror group hacked into the Pentagon’s computers – and posted the names and addresses of American soldiers – and its Twitter account. Also, consider the fact is that if ISIS even partially succeeds at hacking our energy grid, millions of Americans could be killed.)
FBI: Middle Eastern Men Intimidating U.S. Military Families In Colorado & Wyoming, CBS Denver, August 4, 2015.
October 23, 2015 update:FBI director testifies agency has 900 active investigations underway regarding suspect ISIS operatives in U.S. Excerpt, from here:
Addressing intelligence officials on Friday, FBI Director James Comey delivered a stunning estimate of 900 investigations currently in progress against suspected ISIS operatives, recruits, and individuals “inspired” by the Islamic State, and the number of investigations is slowly growing.
USA Today notes it is rare for FBI officials to discuss the number of investigations in this way. Comey seems to have disclosed the number in order to buttress his case that the Bureau is finding it very difficult to keep up with the anti-ISIS caseload. Referring to a particularly intense period of counter-terror activity around the Fourth of July, Comey warned, “If that becomes the new normal… that would be hard to keep up.”
(4) An estimated 40 million+ Muslims in “refugee” countries support ISIS

An ISIS savage auctioning off a preteen Yazidi girl as a sex slave, which they claim is authorized by the Qu’ran.
According to a June 2015 report by Ryan Mauro at The Clarion Project:
An analysis of four polls surveying Arab public opinion towards the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) reveals that the group has a bare minimum of 8.5 million strong supporters and that’s a conservative estimate. If you include those who feel somewhat positively towards the Islamic State, the number rises to at least 42 million.
The estimate is based on a March 2015 poll by the Iraq-based Independent Institute for Administration and Civil Society Studies; a November 2014 poll by Zogby Research Services; another November 2014 poll by the Doha-based Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and an October 2014 poll by the Fikra Forum commissioned by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Focusing only Syria, which we are (falsely) being told the vast majority of refugees are emerging from, recent surveys indicate that between 17-27% support ISIS:
Seventeen percent of Syrians said that they completely support the Islamic State’s goals and activities in the March 2015 poll. That statistic grows to 27% when you account for Syrians who do not consider the Islamic State to be a terrorist group. The November 2014 poll interviewed 900 Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey and found that 4% are positive towards the Islamic State and another 9% are somewhat positive. This should raise serious concerns for countries that are accepting refugees from the civil war. With a population of 17,952,000, that means the Islamic State has between 3,051,840 and 4,847,040 supporters in Syria.
(5) A British journalist recently demonstrated how easy it is for a non-Syrian to buy a Syrian passport, so one can falsely pass oneself off as a “refugee.
According to an expansive September 17, 2015 expose by the Mail Online (UK):
“(F)or $2,000 [their undercover reporter] was able to buy a Syrian passport, identity card and driving licence from a fraudster in a Turkish border town this week. The genuine documents were stolen from Syria when they were blank. The forger added our reporter’s picture and gave him the identity of a Syrian man from Aleppo killed last year.”
See the video report below, and the full story here.
(6) The FBI and DHS have openly admitted that they cannot determine which refugees have peaceful intentions, and which seek to engage in or support Islamist terrorism
The two agencies most responsible for protecting Americans from Islamist terrorists have now openly admitted that they have neither the manpower nor the resources that would be required to effectively distinguish terrorists (and terror-supporters) from legitimate refugees. Further, when considered in context of the fact that 74% of those trying to pass themselves off as refugees from the conflicts in Syria or Iraq are from neither country, but are instead from notorious terror-sponsoring countries (Fact 2), this is a chilling revelation.
From Investor’s Business Daily, October 6, 2015 (emphasis added):
Under grilling from GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions, head of the Senate subcommittee on immigration, the Homeland Security official in charge of vetting Syrian and other foreign Muslim refugees confessed that no police or intelligence databases exist to check the backgrounds of incoming refugees against criminal and terrorist records.
“Does Syria have any?” Sessions asked. “The government does not, no sir,” answered Matthew Emrich, associate director for fraud detection and national security at DHS’ U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Sessions further inquired: “You don’t have their criminal records, you don’t have the computer database that you can check?” Confessed Emrich: “In many countries the U.S. accepts refugees from, the country did not have extensive data holdings.”
From CNN, October 8, 2015 (emphasis added):
In 2013, two Iraqi refugees were sentenced to decades-long sentences for terrorism charges. The FBI found their fingerprints on improvised explosives that had been used against U.S. soldiers in Iraq — information that wasn’t found before the men were admitted into the U.S. The case was among several that forced the FBI to conduct new screening of refugees already in the U.S.
In light of the Iraqi experience, the prospect of admitting Syrian refugees has raised concerns among U.S. counterterrorism officials. “There is risk associated with bringing anybody in from the outside, but especially from a conflict zone like that,” FBI Director James Comey said. “My concern there is that there are certain gaps I don’t want to talk about publicly in the data available to us.”
And from ABC News, February 15, 2015 (emphasis added):
With tens of thousands of Syrians joining groups in the region like the Islamic State, the U.S. government “cannot allow the refugee process to become a backdoor for jihadists,” they added. At the hearing Wednesday, an FBI official also questioned whether the U.S. intelligence community – with few assets on the ground in Syria and little insight into the country from elsewhere – can provide authorities with the information they need to properly determine whether any refugee could pose a threat.
“You have to have information to vet,” said FBI Assistant Director Michael Steinbach, who heads the bureau’s counterterrorism division. “Databases don’t [have] the information on those individuals, and that’s the concern.”
(7) Most of the super-wealthy Muslim nations in the region have refused to take in any of these refugees.

Saudi Arabia has 100,000 air-conditioned tents in place to accommodate Muslims who visit for the Haaj — but it will not take a single refugee, in violation of the Quranic obligation of Muslims to take care of one another (the “ummah”).
To appreciate the significance of this fact, one must first understand the concept of the Arabic word “ummah,” which means that all Muslims are part of one divine family, and all have a shared responsibility to care for one another when they are in crisis, or homeless, etc. (more). Taken to its extreme, as fundamentalist and radical Islamists do, this is one facet of what separates Muslims from other religions; they contend that they are better than unbelievers (“infidels”), in part because they have a holy duty to take care of one another.
So why would the bulk of super-wealthy, Muslim-majority nations in the region of Iraq and Syria refuse to take in these refugees – especially given the fact that, as a recent article at Breitbart.com exposed, one of these nations could house up to three million of them, today?
The big Gulf oil kingdoms refuse to take any Syrian refugees, even though they are much closer to the war zone than Europe, and passage to the Gulf would be far less hazardous than risking death in overcrowded boats on the Mediterranean. It is especially galling because the rich Gulf governments have more than enough resources to pitch in. Saudi Arabia, for example, has a city of 100,000 air-conditioned tents standing empty, with capacity to hold 3 million people.
And according to a recent article by the BBC:
As the crisis brews over Syrian refugees trying to enter European countries, questions have been raised over why they are not heading to wealthy Gulf states closer to home. Although those fleeing the Syrian crisis have for several years been crossing into Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey in huge numbers, entering other Arab states – especially in the Gulf – is far less straightforward.
Officially, Syrians can apply for a tourist visa or work permit in order to enter a Gulf state. But the process is costly, and there is a widespread perception that many Gulf states have unwritten restrictions in place that make it hard for Syrians to be granted a visa in practice. […]
A Facebook page called The Syrian Community in Denmark has shared a video showing migrants being allowed to enter Austria from Hungary, prompting one user to ask: “How did we flee from the region of our Muslim brethren, which should take more responsibility for us than a country they describe as infidels?” Another user replied: “I swear to the Almighty God, it’s the Arabs who are the infidels.“
So why would these super-wealthy Muslim nations refuse to take in these Muslim refugees?
The careful reader will be able to reasonably speculate by connecting the dots between these ten facts. SaveTheWest will be submitting this report to several Islamic and terrorism experts for commentary, which we will be publishing in the near future.

A widely-shared Arabic cartoon, translated by the BBC: “A man in traditional Gulf clothing looking out of a door with barbed wire around it and pointing at door with the EU flag on it. ‘Why don’t you let them in, you discourteous people?!’ the man behind the door says.”
(8) Most Muslims on American soil reject the U.S. Constitution; 25% support the use of violence against Americans “as part of the global jihad”
From a June 24, 2015 special report by the Center for Security Policy (emphasis added):
According to a new nationwide online survey (below) of 600 Muslims living in the United States, significant minorities embrace supremacist notions that could pose a threat to America’s security and its constitutional form of government. […]
According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.” When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%).
More than half (51%) of U.S. Muslims polled also believe either that they should have the choice of American or shariah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply shariah. Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts. […]
Nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”
25% of Muslim respondents agree with the statement, “Violence against Americans here in the United States can be justified as part of the global jihad.”
(Note: The Bridge Initiative at Georgetown University, which is funded by a Saudi prince, published what it claimed was a debunking of CSP’s survey. In response, an external analyst with 40 years experience in Middle East scholarship, Bruce Phillips, debunked the Bridge Initiatives’ debunking.)
Americans should also know that based on a study in Denmark, contrary to popular myth, Muslim refugees became far more radicalized after emigrating to their free society – not less – and that young Muslims became radicalized the fastest. An excerpt from a Breitbart London article, describing the findings:
Research in the European microcosm nation of Denmark has found three-quarters of Muslims in the country register on an important measure for radicalisation – more now than a decade ago. Whereas 10 years ago Muslims in Denmark could have been considered to be comparatively moderate, today a poll by newspaper Jyllands-Posten finds attitudes have hardened – and the younger the Muslim, the more likely they are to hold hard-line views.”
The consequences of Americas allowing our “educational” system to stop teaching our children about the nature, history and requirements of freedom — and the unique virtues of the U.S. Constitution
Were most Americans being infused with a knowledge of, and appreciation for our Constitution, we would be eminently better able to detect those who either don’t support, or are in open warfare against our foundational legal document – and the principles of freedom, in general. Instead, as documented in this special SaveTheWest report, our “educational” system has been graduating generation after generation of kids who not only know practically nothing about our Constitution, many American adults now harbor inverse perceptions of what it contains, and means:
- Less than 50% of U.S. adults know the basic purpose of the U.S. Constitution, or can name even one of their rights under it.
- 83% of U.S. college graduates don’t know the difference between the free market and centralized planning. (Note: In fundamentalist Islamist nations -as well as socialist, communist and fascist ones – the government, or a ruling elite, control the economy.)
- Elected American politicians are even less fluent in basic civics than the general public; 25% cannot identify even one right contained in our First Amendment.
- As revealed in a recent special SaveTheWest report, a near-majority of Americans (37% of Republicans, 51% of Democrats) now support passing a law that would criminalize “hate speech.” This is defined, loosely, as any statement or expression that a racial, religious, sexual or ethnic minority might find offensive. (Note: Under shariah law, saying anything against Islam is considered a crime, sometimes punishable by execution.)
In a videotaped October 2015 interview, Iraq’s senior-most Muslim spiritual leader, Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi, affirmed that it is the divine obligation of all pious Muslims to wage both offensive and defensive jihad – including to wage war against nonbelievers, abduct their women, etc. An excerpt from the video:
“As a member of the true religion [Islam], I have a greater right to invade [others] in order to impose a certain way of life [according to Sharia], which history has proven to be the best and most just of all civilizations. This is the true meaning of offensive jihad. When we wage jihad, it is not in order to convert people to Islam, but in order to liberate them from the dark slavery in which they live. […]
“If they are people of the book [Jews and Christians] we demand of them the jizya—and if they refuse, then we fight them. That is if he is Christian. He has three choices: either convert to Islam, or, if he refuses and wishes to remain Christian, then pay the jizya [and live according to dhimmi rules, meaning, humiliating second-class status]. But if they still refuse—then we fight them, and we abduct their women, and destroy their churches—this is Islam!”
(9) U.S. taxpayers’ money is being used to provide refugees with free furnished apartments, health care, education, and cash
The American government is using billions of dollars of taxpayer money to transport refugees to U.S. soil, and then provide them with an expansive array of welfare benefits, through both direct and indirect means, even including free, furnished apartments.
Direct support includes Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and outlays from other federal programs – including cash. Indirect outlays include the billions of dollars that the federal government provides to states and an array of contracted organizations, including religious groups, who dispense benefits.
In fact, according to a recent report prepared fro the U.S. Senate, the vast majority of Middle Eastern refugees are on these programs:
(I)n FY 2013, 91.4 percent of Middle Eastern refugees (accepted to the U.S. between 2008-2013) received food stamps, 73.1 percent were on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance and 68.3 percent were on cash welfare.
As the Baltimore CBS News affiliated recently revealed, through a contractor agency, the U.S. government is helping refugees to obtain free, furnished apartments:
“They are desperate to seek safety,” the IRC’s executive director, Ruben Chandrasekar, said. “They are desperate to be given a new chance at a new life.” The International Rescue Committee in Baltimore has welcomed 26 Syrians by providing them with the tools to succeed, including a furnished apartment and even employment.
The Baltimore office [of IRC] is primarily funded through federal dollars, but a lot of donations come from the community.
While legitimate refugees from Syria and Iraq (the minority) arrive with nothing, and clearly need housing on a temporary basis, once they become enmeshed within these taxpayer-funded welfare programs, it can tend to drain one’s initiative to become self-sufficient.

British radical Islamist Anjem Choudary claims Muslims are going to conquer England, with the help of money forced out of the wallets of British taxpayers themselves, which he calls the “jihad-seeker’s allowance.”
Further, as a significant portion of refugees are, in fact, not from the war-torn nations, and are likely radical Islamists seeking to gain footholds on the soil of the U.S. and other Western nations, it should be noted that some of their spiritual leaders claim that becoming dependent on “infidel’s” welfare programs is acceptable as part of their jihad. For example, in a recent expose by the Telegraph (UK), Anjem Choudary, a notorious British Muslim spiritual leader and ISIS supporter, has been living on welfare for many years – along with his family. He justifies it as what he calls “the Jihad-Seeker’s Allowance,” and encourages his many followers to do the same:
Anjem Choudary was secretly filmed mocking non-Muslims for working in 9-5 jobs their whole lives, and told followers that some revered Islamic figures had only ever worked one or two days a year. “The rest of the year they were busy with jihad [holy war] and things like that,” he said. “People will say, ‘Ah, but you are not working’. “But the normal situation is for you to take money from the kuffar [non-believers].
“So we take Jihad Seeker’s Allowance. You need to get support.” He went on to tell a 30-strong crowd: “We are going to take [over] England — the Muslims are coming.”
How many radical Islamists (if not terror-supporters) like Choudary is the U.S. government using our tax dollars to relocate to America, and provide with an array of welfare benefits? And how many other Muslims already on U.S. soil (or on their way) will become influenced by them, to adopt such a radicalized, terror-supporting ideology? Those are very good questions – which, unfortunately, no one in our government can currently answer.
(10) European nations that have welcomed refugees from the Middle East and North Africa have experienced dramatic increases in violent crime, especially rape – nearly all of which is perpetrated by them.
On the surface, to those not familiar with the statistics shown below, this may seem like an inflammatory allegation. The documentation to support this allegation is so overwhelming, so indisputable, and so consistent across Western nations, that it should be widely known.
Unfortunately, due to the doctrine of “political correctness,” most news organizations and governments are too afraid to say a word (see the Rotherham scandal, below). While most refugees may pose no threat to us, as we learned in Facts 1 and 2, the vast majority of refugees are from neither Syria nor Iraq. Many are from more fundamentalist Muslim countries, which are major exporters of violent Islamism (jihadists).
Given this reality, it is urgent that all Americans – especially women and girls – be made aware of these facts, starting with the “rape jihad” concept.
(10.1) The concept of the “rape jihad”

Swedish girl raped and beaten by a gang of Muslim immigrants, who claimed “She was unveiled, and was asking for it,” when asked why they attacked her.
Some of the most notable imams (spiritual leaders) throughout the world claim that Muslim males are divinely entitled to capture and sexually abuse “infidel” women and girls. Referred to as the “rape jihad,” Islamists including ISIS use rape as a means of demoralizing and terrorizing cultures into submission. These imams (and perpetrators) claim that because these women and girls are “unbelievers,” and were not veiled, they were, as one Australian imam said, like “uncovered meat,” asking to be ravaged. More of the supposed divine authorization for Muslim male to engage in rape here.
In America, such a notion is almost beyond comprehension. As is the notion that a devout Muslim woman from Kuwait, who sought counsel on the issue from Saudi imams, could justify and even smile about the prospect of helping a male Muslim to acquire Christian sex slaves – yet here it is, on video:
(10.2) Data from years preceding the current refugee crisis
Here is a sampling of reports from the European nations that have accepted the most Middle Eastern refugees in recent years:
The Swedish rape jihad: Sweden used to be one of the safest, most serene of European countries. Then, a few decades ago, it began accepting a practically unlimited number of immigrants from Muslim-majority nations. Since then, it has become the “rape capital of the West.” The Swedish government now estimates that 25% of women there will be raped, and as research in Norway confirms, almost all of these rapes there are being perpetrated by immigrants from Muslim nations. And according to an October 2015 report, Sweden is rapidly heading towards collapse, as the cost and crime associated with immigration from Muslim nations continues to grow exponentially.
- The rape jihad has now engulfed Germany: A detailed report by a noted terrorism analyst provides a glimpse into the massive wave of rapes occurring in Germany, almost all of which are being perpetrated by Muslim refugees – and the fact that government officials and the news media are very reluctant to say anything publicly about it (similar to the Rotherham, England scandal, below). Summing up the report, the analyst noted, “The raping of German women by asylum seekers is becoming commonplace.”
- Rotherham, England pedophile rape jihad: It was recently discovered that over a fifteen-year period, gangs of Muslim pedophiles – mostly Pakistani immigrants – were allowed to rape and terrorize a minimum of 1,400 British girls, most between 11-16 years old, because police and social service officials refused to help them. The reason these authorities cited for refusing to prosecute the perpetrators: they were afraid of being smeared as “racists” or “Islamophobes.”
(10.3) A sampling of recent news items from European nations that have welcomed refugees
- In Belgium, refugees riot and clash with police, to protest having to live in a temporary camp. The riots only ended after Belgians agreed to give room in their homes (or their homes altogether) to refugees. Video of the riots:
- Muslim refugees in Germany are forcing women and girls into sex acts – for as little as $10 per session:
- Roundup of anti-Christian terrorism by Muslim refugees from throughout the world: In a special report for The Gatestone Institute, scholar Raymond Ibrahim reveals dozens of documented incidents of anti-Christian violence and intimidation by Muslim refugees, from Denmark to New Zealand, and Germany to the USA.
- German police union chief complains that Muslim refugees “don’t respect our laws”; police are “overwhelmed” as they tackle sectarian conflict and “extreme criminal offences.” Excerpt from this story: “The chief of the German police union has said that the migrant influx – forecast to hit 1.5 million by the end of the year – has left the nation’s police forces ‘overwhelmed’ as they tackle sectarian conflict and ‘extreme criminal offences.’ Rainer Wendt said new arrivals lacked respect for and knowledge of German law, which was insufficient to prosecute asylum seekers, and called for extra protection for women, children and Christians.”
- Muslim refugees sexually assaulted a German cleaning woman for ten days straight: According to the news story, “A migrant centre in the German town of Kitzingen is now only employing male cleaning staff after a female cleaner was sexually assaulted there every day for ten days. Two migrants aged 38 and 52 are now in police custody for assaulting the woman between 1 and 10 October before she finally found the courage to come forward, the local Bayerischer Rundfunk reports.”
- Swedish government admits Muslim refugees now dominate 55 “no-go zones,” where even the police refuse to go, because of violent attacks on them.
- In Greece, thousands of refugees from Syria and Afghanistan are regularly rioting – as more arrive daily. Note: We posted the video of this incident with local residents’ commentary, but it has since been taken down. See the raw news story here.
- Refugees in Sweden rioted for five days straight, burning cars and threatening citizens: In addition to what is shown in this story, and the below video, both resident and refugee Muslims are accused of painting graffiti on various public venues, ordering Christians to “convert or die!”
- German school near refugee center orders girls to cover up: A German school ordered parents to no longer let their daughters wear clothes that might be considered “revealing.” The reason: because a refugee center has opened next to the school, and according to a letter the school sent to the girls’ homes, “The Syrian citizens are mainly Muslims and speak Arabic. The refugees are marked by their own culture. Because our school is directly next to where they are staying, modest clothing should be adhered to, in order to avoid discrepancies. Revealing tops or blouses, short shorts or miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings.”
- Various European countries are allowing Syrian Muslim men to emigrate with the young girls who were forced to marry them – some as young as 12, and pregnant – and their governments are forcing these girls to remain with them, even if they are pregnant: An excerpt from the Sunday Express (UK):

Fatema Alkasem: Age 14, pregnant, allowed to emigrate with the 24-year-old man she was forced to marry in Syria.
CHILD brides as young as 12 have been ordered to stay with the men they were forced to marry after European officials agreed to recognise the partnerships. It comes amid fears of a paedophilia epidemic inside European refugee camps after a pregnant 14-year-old girl went missing from a Dutch centre. Fatema Alkasem disappeared along with her 24-year-old husband in August and police are concerned the Syrian girl needs medical care. The Netherlands is facing an issue of providing asylum to young girls who are married in their homeland but are below the Dutch age of consent. Dutch asylum centres are reportedly housing 20 child brides aged between 13 and 15, while three a week on average are arriving to the country. The brides were granted legal permission to join their older partners after the country recognised marriages involving young teenagers if they are officially registered in their home country.
- Gay Muslim refugees who reveal their orientation in Germany are being beaten and harassed by other Muslim refugees: An excerpt from a recent article in the Washington Post:
“I decided to tell the truth, that it is the flag for gay people like me,” Ktifan said. “I thought, I am in Europe now. In Germany, I should not have to hide anymore.” What followed over the next several weeks, though, was abuse — both verbal and physical — from other refugees, including an attempt to burn Ktifan’s feet in the middle of the night. The harassment ultimately became so severe that he and two other openly gay asylum seekers were removed from the refugee center with the aid of a local gay activist group and placed in separate accommodations across town.
- Refugees throw rocks at Hungarians on train:
- In Budapest, Hungary, refugees rioted in September 2015, threw feces at police, and screamed “Allahu Akbar!” (God is great!) and “F*ck you!”:
(1) The vast majority of refugees are neither women nor children; rather, they are lone adult males.
Syrian wives and mothers left behind condemn men who have fled the country, and ask: ‘Who will free us? Who will protect us?’ It is wrong to leave your country’, by Sara Malm, The Daily Mail (UK), October 7, 2015.
Refugee Charity Stops Aid To Calais Because 97% Are Men With ‘No Real Reason’ To Be There, by Liam Deacon, Breitbart London (UK), October 8, 2015.
(2) Only 26% of these “refugees” are from Syria or Iraq; 74% are from other Muslim countries, some of which are notorious for Islamist terrorism.
EU: Of 600,000 refugees, only 20% are Syrian, 72% men, by Paul Bedard, The Washington Examiner, September 30, 2015.
Europe’s asylum seekers: Who they are, where they’re going, and their chances of staying, by Drew DeSilver, Pew Research Center, September 30, 2015.
(3a) ISIS threats about smuggling its operatives into North America
‘We are back in America’: ISIS releases chilling new video on 9/11 anniversary where extremists threaten fresh attacks on the US, by Julian Robinson, Mail Online (UK), September 14, 2015.
‘Just wait…’ Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of extremists into Europe, by Aaron Brown, The UK Express (England), September 10, 2015.
Purported ISIS warning claims terror cells in place in 15 states, by FoxNews.com, May 06, 2015.
Europe faces ‘greatest terror threat ever’ from jihadists in Iraq and Syria, by Paul Cruickshank and Tim Lister, CNN, June 19, 2014.
(3b) FBI, DHS statements about actual and suspected ISIS activities on U.S. soil.
FBI Director: Islamic State Recruiting ’24 Hours a Day’ in All 50 States, by BreitbartNews.com, October 14, 2015.
ISIS is attacking the U.S. energy grid (and failing), by Jose Pagliery, CNN, October 15, 2015. (Ed. While CNN mocks ISIS’s failed attempts thus far to take down the U.S. energy grid, Americans should keep in mind that the terror group hacked into the Pentagon’s computers – and posted the names and addresses of American soldiers – and its Twitter account. Also, consider the fact is that if ISIS even partially succeeds at hacking our energy grid, millions of Americans could be killed.)
FBI: Middle Eastern Men Intimidating U.S. Military Families In Colorado & Wyoming, CBS Denver, August 4, 2015.
FBI Director Estimates 900 Active Investigations of ISIS Operatives in U.S., by John Hayward, Breitbart News, Octobert 23, 2015.
(4) An estimated 40 million+ Muslims in “refugee” countries support ISIS.
ISIS Has Up To 42 Million Supporters in the Arab World: An analysis of four recent polls surveying Arab public opinion towards the Islamic State, by Ryan Mauro, The Clarion Project, June 28, 2015.
(5) A British journalist recently demonstrated how easy it is for a non-Syrian to buy a Syrian passport, so one can falsely pass oneself off as a “refugee.”
PASSPORT TO TERROR: MailOnline reporter buys Syrian papers being sold to ISIS fighters sneaking into Europe hidden among refugees, by Nick Fagge, MailOnline.com (UK), September 17, 2015.
(6) The FBI and DHS have openly admitted that they cannot determine which refugees have peaceful intentions, and which seek to engage in or support Islamist terrorism.
DHS Confesses: No Databases Exist To Vet Syrian Refugees, Investor’s Business Daily, October 6, 2015.
Intelligence gaps pose challenge for Syrian refugee screening, by Evan Perez, CNN, October 8, 2015.
US Officials Admit Concern Over Syrian Refugee Effort, by Justin Fishel and Mike Levin, ABC News, February 12, 2015.
(7) Most of the super-wealthy Muslim nations in the region have refused to take in any of these refugees.
Saudi Arabia Has 100,000 Air-Conditioned Tents Ready, But Will Take No Refugees, by John Hayward, Breitbart.com, September 16, 2015.
Migrant crisis: Why Syrians do not flee to Gulf states, by Amira Fathalla, BBC Monitoring, September 2, 2015.
(8) Most Muslims now on American soil reject the U.S. Constitution; 25% support the use of violence against Americans “as part of the global jihad.”
Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad, Center for Security Policy, June 23, 2015.
New Poll on American Muslims Is Grounded in Bias, Riddled with Flaws, The Bridge Initiative Team (Georgetown University), June 26, 2015.
In Defense of The Center for Security Policy 2015 Poll on American Muslims, by Bruce Phillips, DrRichSwier.com, July 17, 2015.
The Myth Of Integration: Muslims In Europe Getting More Radical With Time, Not Less, by Oliver Lane, Breitbart London, October 15, 2015.
Iraqi Ayatollah: ‘Abducting Women’ and ‘Destroying Churches’ Is ‘Real Islam’: Offensive Jihad: the insurmountable obstacle between Muslims and non-Muslims, by Raymond Ibrahim, FrontPageMag.com, October 15, 2015.
(9) U.S. taxpayers’ money is being used to provide refugees with free furnished apartments, health care, education, and cash.
More Than 90 Percent of Middle Eastern Refugees on Food Stamps, by Caroline May, Breitbart News, September 10, 2015.
Baltimore Prepares To Accept More Syrian Refugees, by Tracey Leong, CBS Baltimore, September 13, 2015.
U.S. Government To Offer Each New Refugee Thousands Of Dollars In Social Services And Cash, by Kerry Picket, The Daily Caller, September 18, 2015.
Muslim preacher urges followers to claim ‘Jihad Seeker’s Allowance’: A Muslim preacher is secretly filmed urging followers to take benefits from the state to fund a holy war, by Melanie Hall, The Telegraph (UK), February 17, 2013.
‘Claim jobseeker’s allowance and plan holy war’: Hate preacher pocketing £25,000 a year in benefits calls on fanatics to live off the state, by the Daily Mail (UK), February 17, 2013.
(10) European nations that have welcomed refugees have experienced dramatic increases in violent crime, especially rape – nearly all of which is perpetrated by them.
Refugee host school bans revealing clothes, The Local (Germany), June 26, 2015.
Sweden: Rape Capital of the West, by Ingrid Carlqvist and Lars Hedegaard, The Gatestone Institute, February 14, 2015.
Germany: Migrants’ Rape Epidemic, by Soeren Kern, The Gatestone Institute, September 18, 2015.
Rape and child abuse ‘are rife in German refugee camps’: Unsegregated conditions blamed as women are ‘seen as fair game’ in overcrowded migrant centres, by Allan Hall, Daily Mail (UK), September 24, 2015.
Australian Muslim leader compares uncovered women to exposed meat, by Mark Tran, The Guardian (UK), October 26, 2006.
ISIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape, by Rukmini Callimachi, The New York Times, August 13, 2015.
German Village Politely Requests Migrants Use Toilets And Not Harass Women… Accused of Racism, by Liam Deacon, Breitbart London, October 8, 2015.
Christians Persecuted by Muslims Even in the West; “Here we pray only to Allah,” by Raymond Ibrahim, The Gatestone Institute, October 20, 2015.
‘They Don’t Respect Our Law’: German Police Union Chief Says Force Is ‘Overwhelmed’, by Liam Deacon, Breitbart London, October 23, 2015.
Sweden in flames: As gangs of migrants riot for five nights running… the Utopian boats of a multicultural success story turn to ashes, by Christian Gysin, The Daily Mail, May 24, 2013.
Refugees ‘sexually abuse cleaner every day for two weeks at migrant centre’, by Tom Parfitt, The Sunday Express (UK), October 17, 2015.
Child refugee brides as young as 12 ordered to stay with men they were forced to marry, by Jake Burman, The Sunday Express (UK), October 23, 2015.
The Myth Of Integration: Muslims In Europe Getting More Radical With Time, Not Less, by Oliver Lane, Breitbart London, October 15, 2015.
Gay asylum seekers face threat from fellow refugees in Europe, by Anthony Faiola, The Washington Post, October 24, 2015.
VIDEO: Greek Island Turns Into War Zone as Syrian and Afghan Migrants Clash, by Donna Rachel Edmunds, Breitbart London, September 8, 2015.
About the cover image:
The images at the left are derived from:
EU Countries Struggle To Reach Consensus On Refugee Relocation, by Willa Frej, The Huffington Post, September 14, 2015. (screencap here)
The Global Refugee Crisis, Region by Region, by Patrick Boehler and Sergio Becanha, The New York Times, August 26, 2015.
Syria refugees: Bishops urge David Cameron to do more, BBC.com, October 18, 2015.