(1) Testimonials from clients and colleagues
(2) Critiques of my independent projects from notable public figures
(1) Testimonials from clients and colleagues
(1) Moms For Liberty
(2) American Islamic Forum for Democracy
(3) Project Veritas
(4) The ‘Lost Liberty Hotel’ project
(5) Virginians Over-Taxed on Residences
(6) Entitlements Destroy Lives
(8) Leonard Kristal, Ph.D.
(9) James W. Lark III, Ph.D.
(10) Lyle Rossiter, MD
(11) Rob Schilling
(1) Moms For Liberty
“I highly recommend Jon for his invaluable assistance to Moms For Liberty in clarifying messaging on a complex and challenging issue.
“Jon’s insightful guidance and clear communication skills played a pivotal role in navigating the intricacies of the matter, ultimately leading to a more coherent and effective message.
“Jon’s expertise and commitment to clarity make him an exceptional asset in any collaborative effort.”
– Tiffany Justice, co-founder, Moms For Liberty (
Regarding: My strategic communications advisory services, including to create the core architecture of a comprehensive response to a string false allegations against the organization, that were being uncritically repeated by the national news media
(2) Zuhdi Jasser, MD, American Islamic Forum for Democracy
“Jon has an uncanny grasp of the challenges facing those wishing to advocate liberty in the public square, which are even more significant and complex, given the American Islamic Forum for Democracy’s mission to do so in an environment that encompasses religion, law, philosophy and national security. We found his input on our (existing) website, logo, and the body of other visual and written media we have developed and employ, to be uniquely on-point, and well thought-out.
“(His) combination of marketing, graphic design, writing, editing and research abilities and knowledge, along with his deep understanding of the ideas of liberty and security, upon which the AIFD is focused, made his contributions not only superb, but unique. He was clearly not only working on our project as a job, but as an individual who loves what he does, and loves the ideas of liberty.”
Zuhdi Jasser, M.D., Founder & President, American Islamic Forum for Democracy
Regarding: Multiple creative services, including logo & website front page redesign, copy writing & editing, research, strategic counsel and general creative consulting (here)
(3) Project Veritas
“You’re a sane man in an insane world. Thanks for keeping the pressure on.”
Ben Wetmore, Executive Director, Project Veritas
Regarding: Ongoing creative consulting, and specifically, this Tweet, in which I held the ADL to account for one of its most consequential betrayals of the Jewish people
(4) The ‘Lost Liberty Hotel’ project
“The pro-liberty movement is fortunate to have Jon Sutz among its ranks. Jon has helped Freestar Media and our “Lost Liberty Hotel” project in a number of key areas:
- He edited our first press release – which led to national media exposure, thousands in donations and a lasting political impact – and also a vital follow-up press release, and our first newsletter.
- He worked tirelessly on research and coalition-building at a critical stage in the life of the project.
- He designed and produced a beautiful logo for the Lost Liberty Hotel, which drives our core message home to millions of Americans.
“Jon’s creativity, passion and strong work ethic were vital assets to us, and any serious liberty-oriented organization would benefit by enlisting him in its development and outreach efforts.”
– Logan Darrow Clements, CEO, Freestar Media
Regarding: My work to help inspire, then develop the “Lost Liberty Hotel” project, which sought to test the limits of the 22005 Kelo vs. City of New London ruling on eminent domain, in a funny yet principled way (here)
(5) Virginians Over-Taxed on Residences (VOTORS)
“Jon has been impressively responsive from the moment I accepted his offer and began to work with him to change our logo.
“It became immediately clear to me that Jon has a special ability to thoroughly grasp a concept, and display the essential elements of that concept on paper in an integrated, visually-attractive and attention-grabbing design, that has culminated in our new logo… I could not be more pleased with his work and our new relationship.”
– Al Aitken, Founder & Chairman, Virginians Over-Taxed on Residences (now defunct; archive at, previously a retired Marine Corps fighter pilot & test pilot, then a career pilot for American Airlines
Regarding: General creative consulting to facilitate a total media makeover, and strategic counsel (here)
(6) Entitlements Destroy Lives
“Jon has been tremendously important to the Entitlements Destroy Lives project. While I had the idea for this organization, I had no idea how to convey it to people, or to use the Internet as a tool to start this project. Through his graphic design and writing abilities, Jon has been able to convey EDL’s core message in a very coherent and persuasive way.
“As we move forward, Jon’s talents will need to be utilized in many areas, because he is an extremely talented individual in visual presentation, through graphics and through his oral representations. I would strongly recommend Jon to anyone who has a project that needs this kind of clarity brought to it.”
– Jim Morris, Founder & President, (here)
“Jon is a tireless patriot with an incredibly creative mind. I could not be any happier with his final product.”
– Alex Cortes, Founder,
Regarding: New logo to market a civic activist group website; a pro bono donation of my services (here)
(8) Leonard Kristal, Ph.D. (Medical technology innovator, and fellow defender of Israel)
“I am delighted to recommend Jon, whom I have had the privilege of knowing since 2009. Throughout this time, and consulting with him on various Israel-related projects, Jon has consistently demonstrated the qualities of a consummate professional.
“Jon is remarkably dedicated and hardworking, always meeting and often exceeding expectations, especially in his steadfast defense of Israel’s right to exist within safe and secure borders. He is unafraid to challenge establishment figures and organizations when he believes they are not doing enough to defend Israel, or protect the interests of world Jewry. His enthusiasm is contagious and unwavering, inspiring those around him to engage with similar passion. A man of great integrity, Jon possesses a commendable work ethic. His analytical mind allows him to dissect complex problems and devise innovative solutions. Exceptionally articulate, he speaks his mind, even when his views diverge from popular or traditional thinking. His honesty and transparency have earned him the respect of colleagues and collaborators over the years. Jon’s selflessness is evident in his tireless efforts to “fight the good fight” on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people. His dedication to these causes and his unwavering commitment to his principles make him an invaluable advocate and ally.
“In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Jon. His dedication, integrity, analytical skills, and passion make him a true professional and an exceptional individual.”
– Leonard Kristal, Ph.D., CEO, Cognisess, and former chairman, Jewish Community Relations Council of the East Bay (Oakland, CA)
Regarding: Various projects that Dr. Kristal and I have worked on to advance essential facts concerning Israel, on the national and international level
(9) James W. Lark III, Ph.D.
“Jon has made a tremendous contribution to various liberty-oriented organizations in Virginia. In particular, he has been of enormous help to the JAL, and the organizations we are affiliated with. His considerable talents as a creative & media consultant and graphic artist have helped to raise the profile and effectiveness of all these organizations’ communications and outreach efforts.
“(He) has earned a well-justified reputation among his colleagues for high-quality work, delivered when promised. Whenever I am approached by liberty-oriented organizations and candidates in need of help with media materials, Jon is the first person I recommend. Quite simply, Jon is a tremendous resource for the liberty movement.”
James W. Lark III, Ph.D., past Chairman, Libertarian Party of America, 2000-2002
Regarding: My work with the Jefferson Area Libertarians and related liberty-oriented projects in Central Virginia (here)
(10) Lyle Rossiter, MD
“With exceptional intelligence, Jon quickly understands in both ‘big picture’ and detail perspectives anything that I or anyone else puts to him. He easily achieves an in-depth grasp of complex ideas in many areas and then applies his creative talents to produce both compelling text and attention-grabbing graphics that are totally relevant to the task.
“As if these abilities weren’t enough, Jon also brings unparalleled initiative, intensity and passion to his work. The results of his efforts have gained earned high praise from former clients, more than evident in his resume. What is not always mentioned but undoubtedly appreciated, as well, are his empathy and humor: working with Jon is not just immensely helpful; it is also a rich and rewarding personal experience.”
– Lyle H Rossiter, Jr., M.D., a forensic psychiatrist (info) with whom I have been working on a preliminary basis, and author of The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness
Regarding: A proprietary civic education program focusing on championing classic liberalism and limited constitutional government
(11) Rob Schilling
“I am the host of a two-hour daily radio talk show that focuses on liberty, politics and culture in Charlottesville, VA (“The Schilling Show,” on WINA, 1070 AM).
“For nearly 20 years, Jon has served as a consultant for The Schilling Show radio program and The Schilling Show Blog & News. He has helped to arrange on-air appearances of nationally- and internationally-known guests, contributing to the blog, and assisting me in raising the show’s stature and influence. He also rapidly created a blog site to help rally public support for me when WINA discontinued my show. This effort helped convince WINA to not only resume producing the show, but to extend its duration to two hours.
“Jon’s work is of the highest quality; he is meticulous in all of his efforts – not just for me, but also, in the fight for liberty in Central Virginia, throughout the Commonwealth, and across America. Locally, he has helped to provide strategic direction to groups such as the Jefferson Area Tea Party and the Jefferson Area Libertarians, as well as to liberty-oriented candidates for local, state and national office.
“I cannot recommend Jon more highly. I am confident that he would be an significant asset to any liberty-focused organization.”
– Rob Schilling, WINA-Charlottesville
(2) Critiques of my independent projects, from notable public figures
Regarding my 2016 documentary, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada”
Learn about why I conceived of, wrote, designed and directed the production of this documentary, here.
“This forensic debut video […] details the systematic way in which the Huffington Post whitewashes Palestinian terrorism, dehumanizes its Jewish victims and incites hatred against Israel. A sobering analysis which sheds valuable light on the deranged prejudice against Israel and the Jews now endemic in the West.”
– Melanie Phillips, columnist, author
“Jon Sutz has produced a new documentary film […] that is both chilling, and a work of art. It provides evidence of what appears to be Huffington Post’s intentional misrepresentation and distortion of events in Israel. The documentary scrutinizes the Huffington Post’s coverage of the recent wave of Palestinian knifing attacks on Israelis.
“The documentary is divided into approximately 10 minutes segments. Each segment examines the coverage of the murder of a particular Israeli. Through his painstaking documentation of omissions, rewordings, emphasis and shocking banality, Sutz presents a powerful repudiation of the Huffington Post’s coverage.
“By the end of the documentary, Arianna Huffington’s proclamations about the Post’s commitment to objectivity and providing quality news coverage lie in tatters.”
– Steve Stotsky, Senior Research Analyst, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA)
“This is an excellently-constructed, very disturbing documentary about the Huffington Post, the world’s most widely read political news site, thoroughly demonstrating the disgraceful bias of this supposedly objective news source against Israel. Thank you Jon Sutz for your incredible dedication to the task of exposing the insidious dark agenda of this respected media information source.”
– Pini Dunner, Senior Rabbi, Beverly Hills Synagogue
“Friends, this is important. These last few months have been incredibly difficult for anyone who cares about Israel. As we all know, regular, civilian Palestinian men, women and yes, even children, have been attacking random Jews on the streets with knives, meat cleavers, vehicles and rifles.
“In the three months between September and November last year, there were over 105 Palestinian terror attacks, which left 22 Jews dead, and over 200 injured. Let that sink in for a minute. As if that wasn’t bad enough, we all noted with incredulity how the world media either ignored the bloody rampage of the so-called, ‘Third Intifada’, or misreported it entirely.
“I was honored to be contacted by filmmaker and activist, Jon Sutz, who, for the past several months, has been painstakingly monitoring one of the world’s most popular news websites, the #HuffingtonPost. Jon, like many others, has long-recognized that #HuffPost‘s reporting about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is consistently unbalanced, but I don’t think that even he understood how broken their editorial team really are. Jon went through every piece of Huffpost’s reporting, (and lack there-of), during the period of the Third Intifada, and has collated the mountains of data into a powerful ‘info-mentary’ that you need to take the time to watch.
“It’s one thing to kind of ‘have a feeling’ that a reputable news-source like HuffPost has an endemic Israel problem – it’s another thing to witness the overwhelming evidence first-hand.
“I warn you, this film is not easy to watch. I had to stop more than once. But I urge you to persevere. It’s important to understand the massive media malpractice being committed by Huffington Post.
“So please watch the film, and share the heck out of it. The world needs to know.”
– Wayne Kopping, Film director, “The Third Jihad,” “Obsession,” “By The Numbers: The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Demographics”
“This film is an incredible, devastating expose of how the Huffington Post’s point of view on the Middle East has resulted in unbelievably biased reporting, misleading its readers into favoring the terrorists’ narratives.”
– Ryan Mauro, National Security Analyst, The Clarion Project
Regarding my 2016 investigative report, “The Rhodes To HuffPost”: The Huffington Post’s Use of Lies, Deception, Bias and Anti-Semitism to Help “Sell” the Iran “Deal”
“The Rhodes To HuffPost,” whose release on Sunday came three days after the one-year anniversary of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), details a series of egregious violations of journalistic ethics on the part of the major media online outlet. In particular, it asserts, the HuffPost engaged in a concerted campaign to help US President Barack Obama get elected, and subsequently to assist him to push through the JCPOA by purposely deceiving the public about its true nature. […]
“The report — whose title is a reference to the scandal surrounding Obama’s JCPOA adviser Ben Rhodes’ admission of deceit in relation to the deal — says that the HuffPost boasts 130 million readers per month, calling itself the “largest news site in the US.” In addition, according to one internet traffic analysis source, the outlet is now the most popular political website in the world.
“The report quotes the HuffPost’s claim that it “has in place rigorous editorial policies and standards…to ensure that we maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity…Too many reporters have forgotten that the highest calling of journalists is to ferret out the truth, consequences be damned…There is an objective reality, and it is the media’s job to present it unequivocally.”
“The stated purpose of the report is to provide the facts to Americans who are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the Iran deal, and the way it was portrayed in the media. ‘Without this knowledge,’ it says, ‘one cannot truly grasp the magnitude or implications of what HuffPost did, and failed to do.'”
– Ruthie Blum, senior contributor to, former senior editor of The Jerusalem Post (more), in New Report Launches Scathing Attack on HuffPost for ‘Antisemitic Incitement’ Aimed at Helping Obama ‘Sell Iran Deal’, The Algemeiner, July 18, 2016