Dr. Jasser’s home-run at the 2010 Oslo Freedom Forum


One of the great honors and highlights of my career, and indeed my life, has been to work for a time with M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D., founder and president of the American-Islamic Forum for Democracy.

In the epic struggle to expose and defeat the radical Islamist mindset that, like a cancer, is destroying one culture after another, Dr. Jasser truly is the tip of the spear.  But to listen to him, to watch the way he delivers his message, one cannot help but be inspired. Seeing this speech in particular reminds me of what a revelation it was to me, in 2006, when I first began to hear about and pay attention to Dr. Jasser, and how I felt like I was not only listening to a great American, but a truly great man.

The speech is entitled, “How Islam Works with Democracy.” Enjoy.


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