Background: In June 2005, by a 5-4 margin, the U.S. Supreme Court established a “new interpretation” of “eminent domain.” It ruled in Kelo v. City of New London that a city has the right under eminent domain to seize private property, and transfer it to another private party, if the latter’s use would provide greater tax revenue or economic benefits to the community “as a whole.”
The Challenge: To take a fellow advocate of liberty’s raw idea (which I helped to inspire) – to see if this “new interpretation” also applies to property owned by the Supreme Court justices who voted for it – and turn it into innovative, finished media, from press releases to a logo and beyond, that would get attention.
The Result: With the aid of the media tools that I created, the “Lost Liberty Hotel” burst into the American consciousness – and catapulted the client who developed it from obscurity into an interview subject on top TV news programs, practically overnight:
“I love this… this is how you fight this stuff, folks… this is how you do it … you turn it right around on them […] the ‘Lost Liberty Hotel’… you just have to love this…”
– Rush Limbaugh, one day after the project’s press release that Jon edited was issued, which he read, verbatim, on the air
“The pro-liberty movement is fortunate to have Jon Sutz among its ranks. [H]e edited our first press release – which led to national media exposure […] and also a vital follow-up press release, and our first newsletter […] and developed a beautiful logo… [J]on’s creativity, passion and strong work ethic were vital assets to us, and any serious liberty-oriented organization would benefit by enlisting him in its development and outreach efforts.”
– Logan Clements, CEO, Freestar Media, developer of the “Lost Liberty Hotel”
See complete project profile here, and media appearance excerpt video below: