Law: Defective auto accelerator cable leads to man’s death


Background: The speed control cable of a Ford Explorer got stuck in the open-throttle position, preventing the man who was driving it from being able to decelerate.  He lost control in a curve, and was killed when his vehicle struck a tree.

The Challenge: I was retained by the law firm of Michie Hamlett Lowry Rasmussen & Tweel to consult on, design and produce analytical graphics to “take the jury inside” the structure of this speed control cable, and depict how it may have gotten stuck in the open-throttle position.  This work needed to be done on a rush basis.

The Result: With the aid of the presentation that I developed, Michie Hamlett was able to convince the jury that Ford’s Next Generation Speed Control System was defective.

“You undertook this difficult task and, working under a very tight deadline, produced graphical depictions of the mechanical components that very accurately show their functions and operating ranges. The federal judge deemed them reliable and, in a startling courtroom admission, Ford’s own expert acknowledged their accuracy and effectiveness. This is a tribute to your quick grasp of the specifications and your tireless work in getting the job done.”
– Edgar F. Heiskell III, attorney, Michie Hamlett

See the complete project file here.


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