My core premises 3


“Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.” – Ayn Rand

Background; The purpose of this document

Those who arrive at this page were given the link and password to it because I believe there’s a chance we might collaborate to in create revolutionary media products and activism projects, to help save freedom, in America, and beyond.

Given the nature and requirements of this quest, I believe:

  • It will be wise to identify, at the earliest possible stage, the core premises and ideals that I and those who may consider joining it have in common, identify any differences, and the reasons behind them
  • It is far better to articulate these issues before a working relationship commences, rather than to discover significant impasses later, when projects may be on the line

Two quotes by Ayn Rand compelled me to create this page:

“Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.”

“The truth or falsehood of all of man’s conclusions, inferences, thought and knowledge rests on the truth or falsehood of his definitions.”

Please see the Appendix for my definitions of “freedom” and “free nations.”

The purpose of this page is to articulate the core premises under which I operate, in order to pursue the main mission of my life:

“Until and unless a means is developed by which to present the conceptual nature, history, moral supremacy and requirements of freedom, in a format that functional 12-year-olds in Boston, Beijing, Berlin and Beirut can quickly understand, relate to their own lives, and easily share with others, our culture is going to continue disintegrating, and descending into statist totalitarianism. The main mission of my life is to design knowledge tools and activism strategies that will enable advocates of freedom throughout the world to begin doing this, in a systematic, efficient and morally confident manner.”

– Jon Sutz, Charlottesville, VA, May 2019

I have conceived of a variety of media and activism projects that are designed from the ground up to advance my life mission, in what I contend are extremely unique ways. These projects include:

  • A theatrical movie (a comprehensive, hybrid script-treatment is now complete, and copyrighted)
  • Three documentary films
  • Five TV shows
  • Numerous civic activism campaigns, focusing on various target audiences in the USA, W. Europe, the Middle East, and beyond

Each of my projects blossomed out of research data I’ve amassed over nearly twenty years, illustrating how rapidly freedom is being lost, and the fact that everything that’s been thrown at this problem has had little or no effect. Out of this research data, I’ve generated a body of premises — contained on this page — that serve as the undergirding of all my projects.

What roots are to the trunk of a tree, these premises are to my projects. Everything I do for the remainder of my life will grow out of these premises. As such, I consider it of vital importance that I explicitly state my premises, as I embark on the journey to acquire the financial, intellectual, artistic and business alliances that will be necessary to bring these projects to life.  While some of those whom I contact agree with all or most of my premises, others, who assume they are ideologically allied with me, find instead that they are not, in one or more fundamental ways.

Thus, to save time — my own, and that of potential collaborators on, and funders of my projects — I will summarize these premises in the introductions to each of my proposals, then provide a link to this page.  This will serve to enable both I and others to quickly determine if we are likely a good match, where our differences lie, and if they can be overcome or mitigated, to advance our common objectives.

My premises

(1) The basic virtues, principles and requirements of freedom should be the easiest ideas in the world to “market,” especially to children.

(2) Freedom in America and other nations is being systematically destroyed, far more quickly, and on a more widespread basis, than many freedom-oriented policy experts are even aware.

(3) The vast majority of people who embrace anti-freedom ideologies do so not based on basic knowledge of their natures, theories and histories. Rather, it’s because they’ve been lied and tricked into doing so, by the anti-freedom “echo chambers” in which they exist, which were constructed, and are protected by, the most influential “educational,” media and political organizations. The overwhelming majority of these people are unaware that the freedom ideology even exists, or ever existed.

(4) The main reason we’ve reached this point is not a lack of effort on the part of the most knowledgeable freedom advocates, and their funders. Many are highly motivated, and have done, and do, important work. Rather, the reason is that they are unwilling to recognize this as an ideological war, or to fight it as such. As a result, only a minuscule number of people even know they exist, what they stand for, or why.

(5) Freedom-oriented philanthropists and foundations could increase by a factor of ten the amount of money they donate to the think tanks & advocacy organizations they fund, tomorrow, and it would have no substantive impact in slowing, or reversing our culture’s abandonment of freedom.

(6) The only way this trajectory can be stopped, and reversed, is if the most competent and motivated freedom-oriented scholars, philanthropists, and specialists from an array of vital professions join together to proudly declare and engage in total, relentless, open ideological war against those who advocate anti-freedom ideologies, at all levels of our culture.

(7) The biggest impediments to preparing and waging this ideological war is a lack of creative thinking, critical self-assessment, and appreciation of, and support for innovation.

(8) Such a war can neither be fought, nor won, at this late stage, unless a means is developed to “weaponize” the essential knowledge amassed by the most potent freedom advocates — meaning, to convert it into formats that the general population can genuinely understand, relate to their own lives, and easily share with others.

(9) Visualization, dramatization and simulation will be key approaches in waging this ideological war; without them, it cannot succeed.

(10) The most important target audience for this effort is adolescents (generally age 11-17), who have, until now, been sacrificed to those indoctrinating them with anti-freedom ideologies.

(11) The end result of all of these efforts should be to make such a compelling argument as to why every adolescent in America should view freedom as the greatest of all values, which makes all other rational human values possible, that a majority of them come to view — and want to defend — individual freedom, free enterprise, economic liberty, and limited, constitutional government, with the same zeal and idealism with which they greet the release of Apple product breakthroughs.

(12) Given appropriate funding, I can design the ideological and operational framework for a hybrid think tank & multimedia studio that will be necessary to fight this war, and recruit the key senior talent to staff it — and, with that accomplished, serve as the chief creative officer of this effort.

(1) The basic virtues, principles and requirements of freedom should be the easiest ideas in the world to “market,” especially to children.

(2) Freedom in America and other nations is being systematically destroyed, far more quickly, and on a more widespread basis, than many freedom-oriented policy experts are even aware.

(3) The vast majority of people who embrace anti-freedom ideologies do so not based on an accurate, basic knowledge of their natures, theories and histories. Rather, it’s because they’ve been lied and tricked into doing so, by the anti-freedom “echo chambers” in which they exist, which were constructed, and are protected by, the most influential “educational,” media and political organizations. The overwhelming majority of these people are unaware that the freedom ideology even exists, or ever existed.

(4) The main reason we’ve reached this point is not a lack of effort on the part of the most knowledgeable freedom advocates, and their funders. Many are highly motivated, and have done, and do, important work. Rather, the reason is that they are unwilling to recognize this as an ideological war, or to fight it as such. As a result, only a minuscule number of people even know they exist, what they stand for, or why.

(5) Freedom-oriented philanthropists and foundations could increase by a factor of ten the amount of money they donate to the think tanks & advocacy organizations they fund, tomorrow, and it would have no substantive impact in slowing, or reversing our culture’s abandonment of freedom.

This is not because of a lack of effort or good intentions by those leading and working at these organizations. Rather, it is due to an operational model that is neither designed to, nor is capable of fighting an ideological war, particularly at this late date, after decades of time & momentum have been lost, and advocates of anti-freedom ideologies have such an array of profound advantages.

(6) The only way this trajectory can be stopped, and reversed, is if the most competent and motivated freedom-oriented scholars, philanthropists, and specialists from an array of vital professions join together to proudly declare and engage in total, relentless, open ideological war against those who advocate anti-freedom ideologies, at all levels of our culture.

This war cannot be won if neither the enemy nor victory are defined, and a rational strategy for success is neither formulated nor implemented.

Victory defined.

(7) The biggest impediments to preparing and waging this ideological war is a lack of creative thinking, critical self-assessment, and appreciation of, and support for innovation.


The same things, in the same ways, targeting the same audiences. More of the same will make little or no difference.

What is most needed is a crystal-clear understanding of why this war is being lost so decisively, and, taking a clean sheet of paper, designing a new path forward.

Innovate like Edison. etc.

(8) Such a war can neither be fought, nor won, at this late stage, unless a means is developed to “weaponize” the essential knowledge amassed by the most potent freedom advocates — meaning, to convert it into formats that the general population can genuinely understand, relate to their own lives, and easily share with others.

(9) Visualization, dramatization and simulation will be key approaches in waging this ideological war; without them, it cannot succeed.


Towards this end,  I have developed an array of proprietary “concept visualization tools”

(10) The most important target audience for this effort is adolescents (generally age 11-17), who have, until now, been sacrificed to those indoctrinating them with anti-freedom ideologies.

In general, today’s most knowledgeable advocates of freedom either ignore this audience, at best, or mock them for their lack of awareness, sensitivities (snowflakes), etc. While AOC inspires them to walk out of their schools to demand the totalitarian “green new deal” be implemented, while not only not knowing what it would actually mean, or the price it would pay, or how the bulk of the argument for it is built on lies and egregious deceptions.

The key is to expose to them the fact that they have been betrayed, manipulated, lied to, and weaponized against their own, rational self-interests. The ideal will be to transform these miseducated, misinformed adolescents into our most fervent, energetic allies.

(11) The end result of all of these efforts should be to make such a compelling argument as to why every adolescent in America should view freedom as the greatest of all values, which makes all other rational human values possible, that a majority of them come to view — and want to defend — individual freedom, free enterprise, economic liberty, and limited, constitutional government, with the same zeal and idealism with which they greet the release of Apple product breakthroughs.

Apple, re American kids, to view our Constitution with such reverence and respect, as getting the latest Apple product. That whatever its flaws, they can be addressed and fixed, in a rational and civil manner, for the purpose of strengthening freedom.

Imagine the day when:

Adolescents, especially girls, are demonstrating in front of the national and regional offices of the Council on American-Islamic Relations — with all the fervency and confidence with which they bring to bear against “deniers” of “climate change” — standing up for the natural rights of females, the LGBT community, and others to live in peace and security, and no longer subject to the bullying, hate crimes and terrorism of Muslim fundamentalists.

Adolescents are infused with the knowledge necessary to confidently challenge smooth-talking, otherwise likable advocates of socialism, communism and other anti-freedom ideologies, and to refute the “factual” claims that they espouse.


(12) Given appropriate funding I can design the ideological and operational framework for a hybrid think tank & multimedia studio that will be necessary to fight this war, and recruit the key senior talent to staff it — and, with that accomplished, serve as the chief creative officer of this effort.

What I require: A $10 million fund, established through Donor’s Trust, to be devoted as follows:

A five-year employment contract for me, at $500,000 per year, to:

Research and develop the business plan

Establish basic requirements for the facility to house, and protect, the team

Identify and recruit key initial talent

Act as Chief Creative Officer

LET’S ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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