My first “social justice” campaign, to stand up for the “rights” of dead voters. Details here.
Laughter is known to produce many physical and psychological benefits. When applied to political and cultural issues, that which provokes laughter is called “satire.” According to Encyclopedia Britannica, satire is defined as:
“Artistic form, chiefly literary and dramatic, in which human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or shortcomings are held up to censure by means of ridicule, derision, burlesque, irony, parody, caricature, or other methods, sometimes with an intent to inspire social reform.”
In the political realm, Saul Alinsky said it best, in “Rules for Radicals”:
“Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
While I reject Alinksy’s political philosophy, I agree with his view on ridicule, and have done a lot of work to create funny means to help the general public become fluent in basic realities concerning the most controversial issues of our time, especially those relating to:
- America’s and Israel’s national security
- Media bias
- The glamorization and whitewashing of terrorism and bullying
- The subversion of freedom, reason, excellence, merit and individualism
- America’s educational system
What distinguishes my work from that of other satirists is that wherever I make a factual assertion, I provide the viewer/reader with an efficient pathway to see and evaluate the supporting evidence for themselves.
Below is a sampling of my work in satire.
I am now developing proposals for new TV & streaming shows, topic-specific shorts, and merchandise. The quality of the writing and execution aside, what will distinguish all of my work products is that each will provide efficient pathways for the skeptical and the curious to see the evidence upon which it is based.
Ultimately, one wing of the multimedia studio I want to create will employ great satirists from across the political and cultural spectrum, so long as they share my classic liberal values and idealism.
(1) “The Coalition for Non-Living Americans”
(2) “Celebrity Walls vs the Democratic Narrative”
(3) “ISIS files ‘cultural appropriation’ complaint against ANTIFA with the United Nations”
(4) “Hamas Thanks Its Useful Idiots”
(5) “Terrorist Small-Penis Syndrome”
(6) “The Rainbow Tolerance Cruise”
(7) Can one file a police report about elementary school sex indoctrinators?
(8) “Celebrity Love Jihad”
(9) Various social media satire
(1) “The Coalition for Non-Living Americans”
When a friend began telling me, in 2016, about allegations of gangs of election saboteurs developing regimented means by which their political comrades could scan death notices, then file absentee ballot applications in dead voters’ names, enabling them to cast ballots using their identities, I dismissed this as too insane to possibly be true. “This is America!,” I said. “We must have rigorous safeguards against such sabotaging of our elections!”
After requesting and evaluating the evidence, however, I discovered that:
- This was indeed happening, and it was almost exclusively being perpetrated by leftists
- Local news organs occasionally reported such incidents — but national MSM organs were silent on them, even when they the reporting source was one of their local affiliates (this silence is partially explained by the fact that 96% of journalists’ political donations are directed to Democrats)
- As a result, practically no Americans were aware of this phenomenon, and anyone who mentioned it was generally dismissed as a conspiracy theorist
I organized a database of evidence, posted the article titles on a cork board that I would see on a daily basis, and committed to coming up with a way to efficiently infuse it into the public’s consciousness.
The wrinkle was, I’m not just non-partisan, I am anti-partisan. I detest partisan politics, and am not, and never have been a member of any political party. What I stand for is a basic principle: the need for clean, honest, transparent, accountable elections. I think most Americans support this principle, too.
While I could have produced a straightforward report, or infographic slide show, I wanted something more, but didn’t know what…
…until it hit me, a few weeks later: I would create a “social justice” campaign to stand up the “rights” of a truly marginalized group: dead voters who still want to participate in our elections, and oppose anyone who works to suppress this “right.”
That was the genesis of my creation of “The Coalition for Non-Living Americans,” produced in conjunction with the website I was editing at the time, SaveTheWest.
Here is the 3-minute promo video. The source data and activist resources it cites are here.
(2) “Celebrity Walls vs the Democratic Narrative”
(3) “ISIS files ‘cultural appropriation’ complaint against ANTIFA with the United Nations”
(4) “Hamas Thanks Its Useful Idiots”
(5) “Terrorist Small-Penis Syndrome”
(6) “The Rainbow MENA Cruise”
(7) “Can one file a police report about elementary school sex indoctrinators?”
(8) “Celebrity Love Jihad”
Certain Hollywood celebrities voiced their outrage at Trump dropping the “mother-of-all-bombs” on an ISIS complex in the mountains of Afghanistan, and claimed only “love” and “compassion” can resolve our differences. I created a petition to challenge them to go to Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq to personally lecture top ISIS and Al Qaeda leaders on their non-violent philosophy — via a “Celebrity Love Jihad.”
(9) Various social media satire
Can one file a police report about elementary school sex indoctrinators?
- “The Coalition for Non-Living Americans”: My first “social justice” campaign, to stand up for the “rights” of dead voters
- ISIS files “cultural appropriation” complaint against ANTIFA with the United Nations: The savage terrorist group complains about ANTIFA stealing (“culturally appropriating”) its carefully-curated uniform design
- “Celebrity Walls vs the Democratic Narrative”: Numerous celebrities advocate for open borders (“No walls!”) — while living in mansions that are surrounded by… big walls