Save Syria Now!


Client: M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D., an existing client, and the founder of Save Syria Now!

Summary: Rush-design a new logo to help an activist group raise public awareness of repression in Syria


(1) Background

(2) Designing the logo

(3) Testimonial

(1) Background

In April 2011, news reports and on-site bloggers documented the murder and oppression that Syria’s Assad regime was using to quell public opposition to its dictatorial rule.

One of my clients, Zuhdi Jasser, M.D., founder and president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, became determined to act, and began to speak out.

Ultimately, Dr. Jasser decided to form a second organization, “Save Syria Now!”, which he described as…

“… a group of Americans of Syrian descent organizing to put pressure on the United States to call for immediate action to be taken against the regime of Bashar Assad of Syria and to bring true liberty to the people of Syria. We stand with the Syrians protesting in the streets to end the tyranny of the Assad family.”

Visit Save Syria Now!

The centerpiece of this organization was a petition Dr. Jasser circulated and for which he solicited signatures, calling for the Obama administration to use all of America’s diplomatic resources to ensure that the Assad regime pays a price for its violent oppression of Syrian civilians.

In honor of our close working relationship, and being familiar with Dr. Jasser’s description of his parents’ decision to escape Syria and move to America before he was born, I volunteered to create a fast-turn, attention-grabbing logo for this new organization.

(2) Designing the logo

Before: Here is what the Save Syria Now! blogsite looked like at the time:

After: Over the course of the following two days, and with feedback and direction from Dr. Jasser at each stage, I created and refined a banner logo for Save Syria Now!

(3) Testimonial

Dr. Jasser was thrilled with the result of my work:

“Within 48 hours, Jon provided a first version of the logo, and with my feedback, we had this completed version.  Jon’s quick action and self-evident talent turned what was a plain-Jane blogsite into something that immediately captures the eye, and conveys the urgency of my new organization’s mission.”

Zuhdi Jasser, M.D., founder and Chairman, American Islamic Forum for Democracy, and creator, Save Syria Now!

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