Continued from Theater 1: “How We Got Here”; last updated in 2011.
Some people find the data contained in my special research report, “The Obstacles To Advancing Liberty Today,” too shocking to accept as true. Are our fellow Americans – including our most “educated – really that unaware of our history, the structure of our government, and the nature and requirements of liberty? Do they really harbor that many anti-freedom ideas and perceptions? And are our civil servants, on whole, even more ignorant than our fellow citizens, on the basics of our constitutional republic?
The following videos will give visitors a peek inside the bitter harvest that was predicted by luminaries such as Yuri Bezmenov, Ayn Rand and others. They are presented only as an adjunct to the deep data presented in the above research report.
“A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.”
– Benjamin Franklin
(1) Americans’ basic knowledge >
As you watch these videos, keep in mind that approximately 85% of U.S. adults hold high school diplomas, and nearly 30% are college graduates. What, exactly, do those degrees confer, given what’s revealed in these videos (and this major research report I produced)?
How easy is it to gather signatures on petition demanding that Congress “outlaw greed”? This easy. >
“JayWalking:” Testing American’s knowledge of Independence Day >
Australian TV news tests Americans’ knowledge of basic things >
How easy is it to get Americans to sign a petition demanding that water be banned? This easy. >
“Lunchroom Scholars”: High school students demonstrate the basic civic knowledge they’ve acquired in the previous ten or so years of public education. >
(2) The representatives we empower to run our government (and control our lives) >
“It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.” — Thomas Jefferson
Rep. Nancy Pelosi laughs at question, “Where does the Constitution gives Congress the power to force citizens to purchase health insurance?”>
Rep. Phil Hare: “I don’t worry about the Constitution.”>
Rep. Pete Stark: The more we owe, the wealthier we are (and if you disagree, he’ll threaten to “throw you out the $*%&% window”) >
Rep. Pete Stark: There’s basically no constitutional limit to what the federal government can do >
Rep. John Conyers (Judiciary Committee Chairman): I can’t comprehend Obamacare bill “without two lawyers hanging over my shoulder” >
Rep. Bean brings thug to constituent meeting, allows him to intimidate non-fawning attendees >
Sen. Jay Rockefeller admits his desire to use government force to destroy certain cable TV news networks, determine what “we” want on the air >
Americans’ basic knowledge
How easy is it to gather signatures on petition demanding that Congress “outlaw greed”? This easy.
Jason Mattera, spokesman of the Young America’s Foundation and author of Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation, infiltrated a “liberal” rally with a petition demanding that Congress “outlaw greed.” Support was overwhelming.
“JayWalking:” Testing American’s knowledge of Independence Day
Watch for the college instructor at 3:45.
Australian TV news tests Americans’ knowledge of basic things
It’s bad enough when Americans expose the ignorance of fellow Americans. It’s worse when representatives of another nation pull back the veil, with stinging, well-deserved sarcasm.
How easy is it to get Americans to sign a petition demanding that water be banned? This easy.
“Lunchroom Scholars”: High school students demonstrate the basic civic knowledge they’ve acquired in the previous ten or so years of public education.
Little wonder Ayn Rand stated, in Philosophy: Who Needs It, that, “If any other country were in as desperately precarious a state of confusion as ours, a dozen flamboyant Führers would have sprung up overnight to take it over.”
(2) The representatives we empower to run our government (and control our lives)
Rep. Pelosi laughs at question of where the Constitution gives Congress the power to force citizens to purchase health insurance
Given all the above, how big of a shock can it be to hear the Speaker of our House of Representatives, second in line to the presidency, laugh at a reporter’s question re the Constitutionality of “Obamacare”?
More, from the source, CNSNews (excerpt):
Later on Thursday, CNSNews.com followed up on the question, e-mailing written queries for the speaker to her Spokesman Elshami.
“Where, specifically, does the Constitution authorize Congress to force Americans to purchase a particular good or service such as health insurance?” CNSNews.com asked the speaker’s office. “If it is the Speaker’s belief that there is a provision in the Constitution that does give Congress this power, does she believe the Constitution in any way limits the goods and services Congress can force an individual to purchase? If so, what is that limit?”
Elshami responded by sending CNSNews.com a Sept. 16 press release from the Speaker’s office entitled, “Health Insurance Reform, Daily Mythbuster: ‘Constitutionality of Health Insurance Reform.’” The press release states that Congress has “broad power to regulate activities that have an effect on interstate commerce. Congress has used this authority to regulate many aspects of American life, from labor relations to education to health care to agricultural production.”
Rep. Hare: “I don’t worry about the Constitution…”
HT: Dan Cirucci. Congressman Phil Hare, interacting with constituents. Says it all.
Questioner: [regarding Obamacare] “Where in the Constitution…”
Congressman Phil Hare: “I don’t worry about the Constitution, to be honest with you.”
Questioner: “Jackpot, brother!”
Congressman Phil Hare: “Oh, you know what I care more about, I care more about the people who are dying everyday who don’t have healthcare.”
Questioner: “You care more about that than the U.S. Constitution?”
Congressman Phil Hare: “I believe it says we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Audience Member: “That’s the Declaration of Independence.”
Congressman Phil Hare: “That doesn’t matter to me! Either one…”
[Read more about Rep. Hare’s thuggery in office here.]
Rep. Pete Stark: The more we owe, the wealthier we are (and if you disagree, he’ll threaten to throw you out the $*%&% window)
Congressman Pete Stark, the sixth most powerful member of the House, explaining his insane view of basic economic principles – then threatening the interviewer when said insanity is exposed:
Rep. Pete Stark: There’s basically no constitutional limit to what the federal government can do
The good part is that at least Congressman Stark is being honest with his beliefs, as expressed in this 7/24//10 video. A janitor in Congress might have an excuse for not having a grasp on the most basic facts concerning the U.S. Constitution. But for one of our most powerful national legislators to be so ignorant of the document he’s sworn to preserve, protect and defend is absolutely inexcusable.
8/6/10 update: According to a nationwide survey, by a 86%-9% margin, voters reject Stark’s view on government power; but by 54%-43% margin, the “political class” believes the government should be able to do pretty much whatever it wants.
Rep. Conyers: I can’t comprehend bill without two lawyers hanging over my shoulder
Rep. John Conyers is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, one step short of the Supreme Court in determining the legality, intent and provisions of legislation. He actually said, on video, “What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?”
Keep in mind that shortly before this incident, Rep. Pelosi told America, on video, “We have to pass the (Obamacare) bill so that you can find out what’s in it.”
Rep. Melissa Bean brings thug to constituent meeting, allows him to intimidate non-fawning attendees
From GatewayPundit. From the modern-day version of the KGB, with all its diversity, inclusiveness, and tolerance for dissent. FYI, here is Rep. Bean’s website.
Sen. Jay Rockefeller admits his desire to use government force to destroy certain cable TV news networks, determine what “we” want on the air
“There’s a little bug inside of me which wants to get the FCC to say to FOX and to MSNBC: ‘Out. Off. End. Goodbye.’ It would be a big favor to political discourse; our ability to do our work here in Congress, and to the American people, to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and more importantly, in their future.”
Continue to “Where We’re Headed”