VALLEY FAIRE magazine redesign


VALLEY FAIRE was a freely-distributed, glossy general interest publication in Phoenix, Arizona, in the late 1980s.

After the previous AD was fired, just before the winter holidays in 1987, I was hired to assemble the pieces for the current issue, and redesign the publication to have a more contemporary look and feel. This was my first opportunity after design school to head up the design of a publication, and to begin writing feature articles, including music concert reviews (example).


VALLEY FAIRE: Before redesign >

VALLEY FAIRE: After redesign >

VALLEY FAIRE: Before redesign

This was the existing design template; as noted above, my first task upon hiring was to put the pieces for the current issue together, after the previous Art Director was fired.

ValleyFaire Before by jonsutz

VALLEY FAIRE: After redesign

This was an “on-the-fly” redesign, as all the content for the new issue also had to be developed at the same time.  But the publisher and readers were very happy with the new, cleaner design, which lasted for quite some time.

ValleyFaire After Redesign by jonsutz


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